Wednesday, July 19, 2006

14th July

Got suitcase.

Look at this mother! It’s like a cartoon barrel of ACME TNT (Yosemite Sam not in shot).

Sam called during break from his busy job repping in Cyprus. Left me message which greeted me thus…

”Origami, me old China. Here you’re off to Japan. Give us a ring back”.

Wrong in so many ways.

Spoke to SHANE again. Certificate of eligibility will be ready to collect Monday.

Or Tuesday.

Still not happy with this inexactness.

Grandpa asked me to bring him back a Geisha girl. I reminded him that he probably wouldn’t remember what to do with her.

He responded by claiming they came with instructions. I pointed out that, yes, they did indeed come with instructions but, unfortunately they are in Japanese.

Picked up ¥en. ¥50,000 note appears to feature Mr Miyagi-bothering, Okinawan despot Mr Sato from Karate Kid 2.

I could have him in a fight.


Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.